5 Day Devotions Based on Sundays Sermon to Feed on Through the Week
Week of January 6th 2025
Day 1: Eternal Purpose of Life
Scripture: Philippians 1:22-24
“If I am to live in the flesh, that means fruitful labor for me. Yet which I shall choose I cannot tell. I am hard pressed between the two. My desire is to depart and be with Christ, for that is far better.”
So we decided to go to my moms for dinner on New Year’s Day, for the long-awaited baked ziti dinner we missed at Christmas. As we walked in the aroma of homemade meatballs, Italian sausage, and pork marinating in sauce filled the air. My mom was up since dawn which for her is 10 am, orchestrating a culinary masterpiece. There was a chaotice but masterpiece of activity going on all around us, with pots bubbling and the oven working overtime. As we made our plates I knew that this meal was more than just a one-time feast—it’s a gift that will keep giving through the week with delicious leftovers.
This dinner was a perfect metaphor for living with an eternal perspective. Just as my mom invested her time and effort into creating a meal that will nourish and bring joy long after the table is cleared, we are called to invest our lives in ways that have lasting impact.
The Apostle Paul, in Philippians 1:22-24, speaks of his own internal conflict between continuing his earthly ministry and his desire to be with Christ. He recognizes that his life on earth is about more than just surviving; it’s about engaging in “fruitful labor” that has eternal significance.
In the sermon, this concept was explored as a call to live with an eternal perspective. Paul’s life was not about seeking personal comfort or temporary pleasures but about making a lasting impact for God’s kingdom. He understood that every day he remained on earth was an opportunity to glorify God and serve others, even if it meant enduring hardships.
Just as my mom’s holiday meal preparation was about more than the immediate feast, our lives should be focused on producing lasting results for God’s kingdom. This means prioritizing our time and energy on what truly matters in the light of eternity.
Reflection Questions:
- What are some areas in your life where you can focus on producing “fruitful labor” that will have a lasting impact?
- How can you shift your perspective from temporary pleasures to eternal purposes, much like preparing a meal that nourishes beyond the initial serving?
Heavenly Father, help me to see my life through the lens of eternity. Guide me to labor for what truly matters and to invest my time and energy in things that have lasting value. May my efforts be like a well-prepared meal, nourishing others and leaving a legacy that honors You. Amen.
Day 2: Living with Eternal Priorities
Scripture: Matthew 6:19-21
“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
Last June some friends invited my wife and I on te worlds biggest cruise ship. this ship was loaded with food, ontop of that buffet bacon!! The anticipation of enjoying the buffet bacon and the fun excurions on the islands kept me motivated as I set aside money for this dream vacation. The cruise was everything I hoped it would be—a week of relaxation, indulgence, and unforgettable experiences. But as the ship docked and the cruise ended so did the buffets and the fun and I returned hometo find out our pool needed a new pump, and the funds I had saved were now spent. The treasure of the ship were great but only lasted a week as the pool brings endless fun for the family.
This experience was a stark reminder of the temporary nature of earthly treasures. In Matthew 6:19-21, Jesus teaches us to focus on storing up treasures in heaven rather than on earth. Earthly treasures, like the cruise and its buffet, are fleeting and can quickly disappear, leaving us with unmet needs and unfulfilled desires. In contrast, heavenly treasures are eternal and secure, offering lasting fulfillment and joy.
Biblical Insight:
- Earthly Treasures: These are the possessions, experiences, and achievements that we often prioritize in our lives. While they can bring temporary satisfaction, they are vulnerable to decay, loss, and theft. Jesus warns us that focusing solely on these treasures can lead to misplaced priorities and a heart that is not aligned with God’s will.
- Heavenly Treasures: These are the investments we make in our spiritual lives and the lives of others. They include acts of love, service, and faith that have eternal significance. Storing up treasures in heaven means prioritizing our relationship with God and the impact we have on His kingdom. These treasures are imperishable and secure, reflecting a heart that is aligned with God’s eternal purposes.
Reflection Questions:
- What “treasures” are you currently storing up, and are they aligned with eternal priorities?
- How can you invest in the spiritual growth of others around you, ensuring that your efforts have lasting significance?
Lord, teach me to prioritize my life according to Your will. Help me to invest in things that will have eternal significance and to serve others with a heart full of love. May my heart be aligned with Your priorities, storing up treasures in heaven. Amen.
Day 3 The Joy of Serving Other
Scripture: Mark 10:45″For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
Devotion:I remember first starting as a cook/ Janitor at a children’s shelter. I originally took this job as a job what I didnt expect was the joy and purpose I got from this job. There were really tough times dealing with really tough trauma. Many hard questions and as I became the director many hard decisions. There were times I felt like a complete failure. But it was all worth while when I get phonecalls from a child now all grown thabking me for showing him love when he never was shown love. Thank you for not giving up on me and because of that shelter he received eternal life in Jesus Christ. This gives me abundant joy and purpose in life. It’s these moments that I truly felt alive and connected to something greater than myself. I could’ve taken a job with higher pay and more worldly rewards…but nothing cam compare the priceless eternal awards I received serving these children.
This personal experience echoes the biblical principle found in Mark 10:45, where Jesus exemplifies the ultimate act of service. He came not to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.
The sermon highlighted that true joy and fulfillment come not from seeking our own comfort or recognition, but from serving others with a heart like Christ’s.
Biblical Insight:
Serving Others: Jesus’ life was a testament to the power and joy of serving others. He consistently put the needs of others before His own, demonstrating that true greatness in God’s kingdom is found in humility and service. When we serve others, we reflect Christ’s love and bring glory to God.
Joy in Service: The joy of serving others is a deep, abiding joy that transcends temporary happiness. It is rooted in the knowledge that we are fulfilling God’s purpose for our lives and making a positive impact on those around us. This joy is a gift from God, a reward for living in alignment with His will.
Reflection Questions:In what ways can you serve others in your community or church, reflecting the heart of Christ?
How does serving others bring you joy and fulfillment, and how can you cultivate this joy in your daily life?
Prayer:Jesus, thank You for setting the ultimate example of service. Help me to follow in Your footsteps, finding joy in serving others and putting their needs before my own. May my life be a reflection of Your love and a testament to the joy of serving. Amen.
Day 4: Longing for Eternity
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:8
“Yes, we are of good courage, and we would rather be away from the body and at home with the Lord.”
Its getting close to that time! We have a family cruise coming up! All day I dream of being on that ship. The never ending bacon, the quaity time spent with the family and friends, the blue ocean strecthing as far as our eyes can see, the never ending bacon! As the countdown gets shorter and shorter I realize the more I have to do to get ready. I have to find ll our bathing suits, I have to get in shape for all the stairs I will be climbing, i have to prep my belly for the mass bacon intake. The longing for the cruise helps get me through some of the challenges I face, the anticipation for the relaxationa and te food reminds me that these challenges can’t compare to the greatness that lies ahead.
And as excited I am longing for this vacation it reminds me of the longing for heaven. This feeling of yearning for something more is a reminder that our true home is not here on earth, but with the Lord in eternity. Its a remider that we have a lot to do to get ready for our eternal vacation. We need to be living life with eternity always in our heart,
This reflects the biblical truth found in 2 Corinthians 5:8, where Paul expresses his desire to be “at home with the Lord.” The sermon emphasized that while our earthly lives are meaningful and filled with opportunities to serve, our ultimate goal is to be united with Christ in eternity. This longing for eternity should shape how we live our lives, influencing our priorities and decisions.
Biblical Insight:
- Eternal Perspective: Paul’s longing for eternity is a reminder that our lives on earth are temporary. While we are called to serve and make an impact here, our ultimate hope and joy are found in the promise of eternal life with Christ. So we are not to live for temporary comforts and pleasures of the world but rather live with onging for eternal glory that awaits us. This perspective helps us navigate the challenges of life with courage and hope. Helping us shift our focus from the worlds riches to our true treasures that await us in glory.
- Living with Purpose: Knowing that our true home is with the Lord encourages us to live with purpose and intentionality. It reminds us to focus on what truly matters—our relationship with God and the eternal impact of our actions. This longing for eternity fuels our desire to live in a way that honors God and prepares us for our heavenly home.
Reflection Questions:
- How does the promise of eternity with Christ influence your daily life and decisions?
- What are some ways you can cultivate a deeper longing for Christ and your eternal home?
Father, increase my longing for You and for the eternal home You have prepared for me. Help me to live each day with heaven in mind, serving You faithfully until that day comes. May my life reflect the hope and joy of eternity with You. Amen.
Day 5 Inspiring Others to Praise
Scripture: Psalm 126:2-3
“Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with shouts of joy; then they said among the nations, ‘The Lord has done great things for them.’ The Lord has done great things for us; we are glad.”
I remember having to give my testimony before a church that was considering me for a youth minister. I was beyond anxious not really sure how they would take a recovering addict as thier youth minisnter. But as I spoke about the challenges I had faced and how God had faithfully guided me through them, I noticed something remarkable. Instead of the churuch being judgmental and condemning they began to fill with a sense of joy and gratitude. After many came up to me to share thier own personal struggles and their own stories of God’s goodness. The entire atmosphere turned into a collective praise and thanksgiving session. It was a powerful reminder of how our personal experiences can inspire others to see God’s work in their own lives.
This experience aligns with the message of Psalm 126:2-3, where the psalmist describes how the joy of God’s people led others to recognize His great works. The sermon highlighted that our lives, when lived in alignment with God’s will, can inspire others to praise Him. Our testimonies of God’s faithfulness and grace can encourage others to seek Him and celebrate His goodness.
Biblical Insight:
- Power of Testimony: Sharing our stories of God’s work in our lives can have a profound impact on others. It not only encourages them but also brings glory to God. Our testimonies serve as a testament to His faithfulness and love, inspiring others to praise Him.
- Contagious Joy: The joy that comes from recognizing God’s work in our lives is contagious. When we express our gratitude and praise, it can lead others to do the same. This collective joy and worship create a powerful witness to the world of God’s greatness.
Reflection Questions:
- How can your life be a testimony that inspires others to praise God?
- What are some specific ways you can share God’s work in your life with others, encouraging them to see His hand in their own lives?
Lord, let my life be a reflection of Your goodness and faithfulness. May my testimony inspire others to seek You and to praise Your name. Use me as a vessel to bring glory to You, and may my joy in You be contagious to those around me. Amen.
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